Friday, February 18, 2011

I Believe In Softball

I believe in competition and camaraderie. I believe in brackets, bubble gum, and bang-bang plays. I believe that attendance and preparation win games. I believe there is more to being a good batter than just being a good hitter. I believe in being relaxed on defense until the batter lifts her front foot. I believe it's ok to use defensive shifts to play the odds, and head games. I believe in taking my turn to coach the base across the field from our dugout. I believe in checking on the condition of injured opponents. I believe players should applaud opponents after they make great defensive plays. I believe players can get better with age. I believe taking winter BP with a cheap bat helps to hit summer homers with an expensive bat. I believe in running out routine grounders and lazy fly balls, no matter how frustrated I am. I believe it is better to be a smart base runner than a fast one. I believe in the nervous anticipation of a play at the plate. I believe in the magical moment of recognition after contact on a "no-doubter" home run. I believe in catchers who talk junk and pitchers who throw it. I believe in infielders who think getting dirty is part of the job description. I believe in fast outfielders who do not hug the lines or play to deep. I believe rattling bats can wake them up, and uncrossing them can avoid bad luck. I believe in wiping the morning dew off a ball, and squinting into the sunset. I believe in saving an equipment catalog until the next issue replaces it. I believe photos; autographed balls and scorebook pages can be better than trophies and t-shirts. I BELIEVE THERE IS NO OFF-SEASON. JUST A LONGER WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT GAME. I believe in the butterflies of opening day and the long drive home after the final game. I believe in showing appreciation to your family and friends who came to watch you play. I believe in thanking the umps when the game is over, regardless of the score. I believe the final score is part of the overall experience. I BELIEVE IN SOFTBALL.
By Sarah, Johnstown Jewels


  1. This is one of the best post I've read that truly defines the love for the game. Sarah, this gave me chills. Great Post!

    -- Dan
    Fastpitch Softball Coaching

  2. Awesome post. I love it. Every word.
